Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome to Observing Silence!

    Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään (M01) Observing Silence (Oodi)

    During this course we will:

    1) Examine the topic of silence through artistic, academic, and scientific attention.
    2) Recognize how diversely silence functions in social situations, how silence and silencing affect our personal experiences and communication, and how questioning silence and silencing constitute antiracist practices.
    3) Connect theoretical thinking and multimodal practices to creativity, personal perceptions, expertise, and daily experiences.

    The idea of the course is to understand the diversity of silence through contemporary discussions and transdisciplinary observations. 

    The course work includes participation in contact teaching sessions (including 80% attendance), reflection work (individual reading and observations), and group work. More detailed information about the course schedule, required readings, and course exercises as well as the course syllabus will be updated here before the 22nd of December 2020.

    *A part of the required course work will include a small preliminary assignment.

    Contact information:

    Annika Sohlman, annika.sohlman@aalto.fi