Osion kuvaus

  • On week 6 of the WAT course we'll dive into water and environmental quality.

    The week consists of the following submitted tasks:

      • Thematic task: Home exam on Water and Environmental Quality (DL Wednesday 21.10. at 23:00)
      • Weekly exercise: Laboratory analysis (DL for presentation Friday 16.10. at 14:00, DL for report Wednesday 21.10. at 23:59)

    Kindly note that in order to be able to carry out the laboratory analysis, you have to pass the Laboratory Safety Exam. This has to be completed by Sunday 20.9. (before week 3). If you have already done a similar exam and/or worked in our lab, contact Aino Peltola.

    General schedule for the week is shown in the figure below, while the detailed schedule can be found below the figure.