Water and Environmental Engineering, Portfolio 2020
Osion kuvaus
Studying can be hard and stressful, and Aalto University pays therefore a special attention to student well-being.
Both mental well-being and physical health are significant for academic success. Therefore:
- Take care of yourself physically by exercising regularly, eating well and getting enough sleep. Also see a nurse or doctor promptly if health concerns arise: Finnish Student Health Services YTHS are your first stop for this.
- Maintain your social well-being by staying connected to friends and family at home and becoming involved on campus to make new friends at Aalto. We all need friends and activities that provide relaxation and fun.
- Care for yourself emotionally. Transitioning to a new university community can be stressful and you may have feelings and worries that you do not normally experience. It is important to be aware of your feelings and reactions, and reach out for support early on if you feel that you are having difficulties with coping. Aalto's Learning Services has an excellent Psychology Service that offers counselling and support for learning, motivation, self-regulation, study skills, coping with stress and career choice.
- Set yourself up for academic success by establishing personal goals, learning time management strategies and strengthening your study skills. Our Personal Learning Portfolio process and related mentoring process helps you in this, so please reach out to your mentor if you need guidance. Also have a look at Into's Study Skills pages, and reach out to our study advisers if needed.
Time management strategies
Planning and managing your study time is extremely important for your well-being. It is therefore good to check regularly whether you are actually using your time for those things that are meaningful and valuable for you.
Your calendar provides information about your activities, making visible what is important to you and where you are actually allocating your resources. It is worth checking once in a while how consciously you are directing these choices and whether you are happy with them. Sometimes our goals and actions are not supporting each other: it is important to be aware of this and act accordingly.
There are also several good websites related to study-related time management strategies and skills available. One place to start is this site: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopisk/Self-management+and+time+management
For more information on well-being, study advising and study skills, visit following pages:- https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopisk/Well-being
- https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopisk/Support+for+studying
- https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopisk/Study+skills
- https://www.nyyti.fi/en/
In addition, we encourage you to make use of your peer students and Aalto mentors. Our study and career planning psychologists are also very happy to help whenever you feel like that.