
    • Sida icon
      This is mostly about feedback on presentations / public speaking, but I think it works for giving feedback on teaching sessions too.
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      Some of these videos were in the pre-assignment and these are mostly meant for the students in the bachelor seminars.... anyways, these might be useful. Also, if you´d like to use these somehow somewhere, please just ask!

      (What is communication / comm. competence / public speaking and presentations / anxiety and stage fright)

      The video about stage fright is not fully edited. The speaker is Minna Lyytinen, teacher in communication.

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
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      Kalle´s presentation + discussion Sida

      Sorry, I missed the beginning!

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      A good example that sometimes video lectures are not perfect! This is an impromptu zoom video. Sorry about the quality.

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      This is a full dissortation... maybe check the abstract and intro.