ELEC-C0302 - Final project in digital systems and design, 07.09.2020-31.05.2021
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 31.05.2021 Etsi kursseja: ELEC-C0302
Osion kuvaus
Project objectives
The final project in DSD is designed to provide students an opportunity to practically explore a field-specific research question. It is also recommended that the project serves as a basis (and complementary work) to the Bachelor thesis.Learning outcomes
After finishing the Final Project in Digital Systems and Design, students have established deep theoretical and practical understanding of a research question related to Digital Systems and Design. During the project, students gather practical experience, apply typical tools in the respective field and conduct research in the topic to generate novel outcome and results. Indeally, the Final Project in Digital Systems and Design also serves as a preparatory course to the BSc thesis and enables the students to build up competence and preliminary results required to successfully accomplish the BSc thesis.
As a student, what should I do?
1 - Find a suitable topic for the project (and if possible thesis)
A list of possible topics is available in the "topic list" section. You can browse this page and contact the instructors. Another option is to apply directly to professors. The student can email the professor so that they can discuss the thesis topic and then meet.
2 - Agree with the professor on what is the project task (and what will be the topic of the thesis)
Some topics are suitable for one student, some topics are available for small groups of students. The student(s) and the instructor will agree on how the project is conducted. In addition, it is recommended that instructors provide also idividual thesis topics so that each student can start working towards the bachelor thesis.
3 - Work!
You will carry research work according to the topic. Ideally, this work will also constitute the basis for writting your thesis in the follow-up Join.bsc bachelor thesis course.
4 - (recommended) Write your thesis and do the seminar on the same topic!
We recommend that you use the project work as a basic for your thesis. See details of the course here: https://oodi.aalto.fi/a/opintjakstied.jsp?html=1&Tunniste=JOIN.bsc&Kieli=6
Alternatively you can choose another topic (i.e. go through steps 1 and 2 but for only the thesis topic).