Topic outline

  • Five weekly practical assignments (Python Notebooks) with finished assignments returned before in mycourses the weekly exercise session:
    • H1: wednesdays 12:15-14:00 (first session Jan 20th)
    • H2: fridays 12:15-14:00 (first session Jan 22th)
    Note that you only need to attend one session per week. There is no session on the first week.

    The course is graded only by completed and returned assignments.  The assignments are graded with 0/0.5/1 points per task per assignment. An extra 1p will be granted if you are present and prepared to present your solution in a session.

    The assignments are released on mondays.

    Assignment #1: deadline wednesday, January 20th, 12:00

    Assignment #2: deadline wednesday, January 27th, 12:00

    Assignment #3: deadline wednesday, February 3rd, 12:00

    Assignment #4: deadline wednesday, February 10th, 12:00

    Assignment #5: deadline wednesday, February 17th, 12:00

    • Assignment icon

      The assignment is based on lectures 1 and 2.

    • Assignment icon

      Return completed .ipynb file (or pdf). The assignment is based on lectures 2 and 3.

    • Assignment icon

      Based on lectures 4 (VI) and 5 (GPLVM). Return the completed notebook (or pdf).

    • Assignment icon

      Return completed notebook. The tasks cover lectures 6 and 7.

    • Assignment icon

      This covers lectures 8 (deep GPs) and 9 (model selection).