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      Students from all six schools of Aalto University are welcome to take Aalto Ventures Program Startup Minor or take entrepreneurship courses as electives. The AVP Startup Minor provides you with insight and experience needed to build bold startups, do venturing within existing companies, or join entrepreneurial teams. During the courses you’ll learn by doing together with people from various backgrounds and nationalities. This will teach you practical ‘street smarts’ for starting new ventures, which is one of the best ways to making an impact in real life.

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      Designed to take students from innovation to entrepreneurship and beyond, entrepreneurial journey is an InnoEnergy programme offered for students in these master’s programmes. The Entrepreneurship Journey, encourages students that want to take their idea developed during the first year of studies to the next level – business creation. Those ready for this challenge will hone their entrepreneurial skills as they are supported to go from concept to business plan to prototype and then finally to pitch presentation. This safe and controlled environment is the perfect incubator to help reduce the high initial failure risks that most start-ups face and prepares them for a more successfully entrepreneurship outset.