Topic outline

  • General

    Note! This course page will not be updated during the courseAll the information about the course including lecture schedule and materials can be found from the CS-E5002 Special Course in Software and Service Engineering D: UX management and professionals course pagesMore detailed instructions for the seminar paper, grading, and passing criteria are located on a sub-page.

    This course is organized together with the course CS-E5002 Special Course in Software and Service Engineering D: UX management and professionals

    ContentThe course will focus on the following topics: How to be a UX leader? The course will explore current Finnish top-companies and how they manage and lead user experience design and service development. The course will be organized as a combination of guest lecturers and literature review. We will also investigate the different career paths you can take as a UX professional. We will hear how our Aalto alumni have designed their own careers. 

    Assessments: This online course will consist of two weekly lectures (12 lectures) on a series of topics with invited guest speakers and related discussion, based on presentation and reading materials. The weekly sessions will be held using Zoom. In addition the course includes writing of a seminar paper on the course theme. 

    Workload: active participation on 12 lectures (26 hours) + weekly readings (28 hours) + writing of a seminar paper including feedback and peer review (81 hours)

    Credits: 5cr

    Grading: 0-5

    Teachers:  Johanna Kaipio, Nina Karisalmi, Paula Valkonen and Mari Tyllinen

    Teaching language: English