Osion kuvaus

  • What is a learning diary?

    The purpose of a learning dairy is to enhance learning through the process of writing and thinking about learning experiences during the course. The diary should not be a purely descriptive account of what you did but an opportunity to communicate your thinking process. The learning diary is personal to you and will reflect your personality, preferences and experiences. The diary is written as an individual exercise but discussing its contents with others is permitted and even encouraged. 

    Contents of the learning diary

    The diary should focus on your personal responses, reactions and reflections to new ideas or new ways of thinking about a subject that you have been introduced during the course. You can start by thinking about your own learning objectives and expectations about the themes included in the course. The diary can include reflections e.g. about the following themes: What kind of previous experiences you have about UX and management? What kind of expectations you had towards the course in general? What you think about issues discussed in readings and in the weekly sessions? What do you need to know more about, and how can you go about finding out more? What resources have helped you to understand and/or been interesting to use? What new knowledge, skills or understanding have you gained during the course?

    The idea of the diary is to provide a “live” picture of your growing understanding of a subject experience. The diary also demonstrates how your learning in developing during the course.

    Format of the learning diary

    The learning diary can be seen as a collection of notes, observations, thoughts and other relevant materials built‐up over a period of time. These should be packaged into an electronic document, which is to be submitted for evaluation. You can organize your diary into the sections and subsections following the themes and structure of the course. Include your thoughts, with references, about the literature.