Topic outline

  • Welcome to the course!


    • 2.7. Course grades published (Assignments->Course Grades)
    • 26.5. Turnitin instructions video added; Exam q&a added
    • 21.5. Reflective journal 4 evaluated, Thursday materials added
    • 19.5. All Tuesday 18th materials online!
    • 13.5. Reflective journal 3 evaluated
    • 12.5. Tuesday's materials updated, self-study task Miro board for module 4 opened
    • 7.5. Reflective journal 2 evaluated
    • 29.4. All Thursday materials updated, reflective journal 1 evaluated, reflective journal 2 submission box opened, Mathias slides updated (Tuesday)
    • 28.4. Thursday workshop (module 2) instructions added
    • 27.4. Ville's slides for Tuesday (module 2) updated
    • 22.4. Thursday's groupwork presentation videos uploaded, Module 2 Tuesday article added, Reflective journal 1 submission form opened
    • 20.4. Tuesday's materials updated to "Module 1" section
    • 14.4.2021 Please check the "Before the course" and "Module 1" pages in Mycourses.You should watch the video and read the article mentioned in "Module 1" before our first session. Also, if you are not familiar with business model basics, please also check the materials in "Before the course".
    • 12.4.2021 Welcome to the course! Mycourses updated! A welcome-mail will be sent to all students registered to the course on Tue 13.4.!

    Zoom link and information for all the meetings:

    • Meeting ID: 665 2542 0069, Passcode: 217985

    If you have any questions, please email me