Topic outline

  • There are two discussions each week beginning Monday 31.5 10:00-11:30. In all there are 16 sessions of which students are required to participate in 80% or 13/16 sessions to pass the course. 

    The zoom link to the lecture and discussions:

    Mon 31.5 10:00-11:30 Introductory lecture (slides)

    Wed 2.6. 10:00-11:30 No discussion, writing of Introductory essay

    Mon 7.6. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 1

    Facilitator: Anya Rannuste

    Chapters: Introduction and 1 (Childhood) and 2 (Odd couple) (pages xvii-27)

    Wed 9.6. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 2

    Facilitator: Jaakko Hiidenheimo

    Chapters: 3 (The Dropout) and 4 (Atari and India) (pages 28-50)

    Mon 14.6. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 3

    Facilitator: Miska Kulmala

    Chapters: 5 (The Apple I) and 6 (The Apple II) (pages 51-77)

    Wed 16.6. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 4

    Facilitator: Sudarshan Koirala

    Chapters: 7 (Chrisann and Lisa), 8 (Xerox and Lisa) and 9 (Going Public) (pages 78-98)

    Mon 21.6. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 5

    Facilitator: Peter Kenttä

    Chapters: 10 (The Mac is Born), 11 (The Reality Distortion Field) and 12 (The Design) (pages 99-123)

    Wed 23.6. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 6

    Facilitator: Shanshan Hou

    Chapters: 13 (Building the Mac), 14 (Enter Sculley) and 15 (The Launch) (pages 124-156)

    Mon 28.6. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 7 

    Facilitator: Alvar Lampinen

    Chapters: 16 (Gates and Jobs) and 17 (Icarus) (pages 157-193)

    Wed 30.6. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 8

    Facilitator: Miska Kulmala

    Chapters: 18 (NeXT) and 19 (Pixar) (pages 194-228)

    Mon 5.7. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 9

    Facilitator: Jaakko Hiidenheimo

    Chapters: 20 (A regular guy), 21 (Family man) and 22 (Toy Story) (pages 229-268)

    Wed 7.7. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 10 

    Facilitator: Peter Kenttä

    Chapters: 23 (The Second Coming), 24 (The Restoration) and 25 (Think Different) (pages 269-312)

    Mon 12.7. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 11 

    Facilitator: Shanshan Hou

    Chapters: 26 (Design Principles), 27 (The iMac) and 28 (CEO) (pages 313-338)

    Wed 14.7. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 12

    Facilitator: Alvar Lampinen

    Chapters: 29 (Apple Stores), 30 (The Digital Hub), and 31 (The iTunes Store) (pages 339-378)

    Mon 19.7. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 13

    Facilitator: Sudarshan Koirala

    Chapters: 32 (Music Man), 33 (Pixar's Friends) and 34 (Twenty-first century Macs) (pages 379-416)

    Wed 21.7. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 14

    Facilitator: Group discussion

    Chapters: 35 (Round one), 36 (The iPhone), and 37 (Round two) (pages 417-451)

    Mon 26.7. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 15

    Facilitator: Group discussion

    Chapters: 38 (The iPad), 39 (New Battles) and 40 (To infinity) (pages 452-495)

    Wed 28.7. 10:00-11:30 Discussion 16

    Facilitator: Peter Kenttä

    Chapters: 41 (Round three), 42 (Legacy) and Epilogue (pages 496-531)