Topic outline

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      Session 1 02.08

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      Session 2 05.08

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      Session 3 09.08

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      Session 4 12.08

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      Expert Panel (Activity starts at 9:00 on 12.08)

      • Worth 10%
      • Groups of 4 - 5
      • 20 mins discussion + 10 mins for audience questions
      • Discussion to include:
        • Introductions of the panelists (by the panelists)
          • Consider ethos from Modes of Persuasion
        • Discussion of some major current sustainability challenges in your field
          • Refer to the 17 UN sustainability goals
          • Try to give concrete examples, facts, statistics, etc.
        • Discussion of some proposed solutions
          • Try to be concrete
        • If possible, try to give some evaluation of the proposed solutions

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      Session 5 16.08

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      Forum icon
      First Draft of Essay (Due by 23:59 on 16.08) Forum
      • Submit the first draft of your essay for peer feedback.
      • Reminder of the final essay requirements:
        • 400-500 words (1 page)
        • Includes 1-2 in-text citations (with separate reference list at end)
        • Topics include:
          • Art or Design manifesto (What is wrong with current art or
            design? How should it be fixed?)
          • A sustainability challenge in your field and solution(s)
          • Other (to be agreed with teacher)
      Feedback partners
      • Liv and Nina
      • Markus and Sanna
      • Frida and Tuuli
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      Session 6 19.08

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      Peer Feedback (Activity starts at 9:00 on 19.08)

      • (First draft submission + Peer feedback) Worth 5%
      • Be prepared to give feedback on your partner's essay on the following:
      • A. Do you see the problem-solution pattern? Mark each step with a comment.
      • B. Identify the following and offer suggested corrections:
        • Informal verbs, adjectives, nouns, adverbs
        • Verb tense issues (e.g., future)
        • Use of active and passive
        • Any shift in English dialect
        • Citation issues
        • Punctuation issues
        • Any need for hedging (i.e., absolutes, strong claims)
        • Cohesion issues
        • Any other grammar or spelling errors
      Feedback partners
      • Liv and Nina
      • Markus and Sanna
      • Frida and Tuuli

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      Assignment icon
      Submit an example a good slide (1 slide) and a bad slide (1 slide) before class (9:00) on 19.08. Assignment

      Find an example of a good slide and an example of a bad slide.

      Don't make these yourself. There are many online slide sharing sites, such as Slideshare.

      We will discuss these in class.

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      Assignment icon
      Post feedback for yourself and the Expert Panel (Due by 23:59 on 19.08) Assignment

      Fill in the feedback form for each member of the the Expert Panel. Fill in a separate form for yourself.

      Try to use the "I like / I wish" model when giving comments:

      • "I like that you mentioned the issue of X. I think it's important in most design projects."
      • "I wish you had included an example about Y. It would have made your argument stronger."
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      No Session (23.08)

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      Online module

      Choose only ONE (1) of the two module options (not both). Complete all of the activities in the module. In the student workload calculations, you have 9 hours to complete all of the module work. No need to do more work than that.

      Due by 23:59 on 02.09.2021.

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      No Session (26.08)

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      Assignment icon
      Second Draft for Teacher Feedback (Due by 23:59 on 26.08) Assignment
      Submit the second draft of your essay for teacher feedback. You should have made revisions based on your partner's feedback on the first draft.
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      Forum icon
      Post your PanOpto Link for your Practice Presentation by 23:59 on 26.08. Feedback to partners by 23:59 on 27.08. Forum
      You are now in Groups of 3. Only you, your partners and your teacher can see the link and feedback:
      1) Liv, Nina, Markus
      2) Frida, Sanna, Tuuli
      Watch both partners' videos and REPLY to both in MyCourses with feedback by 23:59 on Friday 27.08

      PanOpto online:
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      Session 7 & 8 Individual Presentations

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      Assignment icon
      Self-evaluation of Individual Presentation (Due by 23:59 on 06.09) Assignment
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      Turnitin Assignment 2 icon
      Final draft of the essay (Due 06.09) Turnitin Assignment 2
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      Assignment icon
      Course feedback Assignment

      Write your feedback for the course here.