
  • You can choose the 3, 5 or 6 credit version of the course:


    3 credits

    • Lectures, exercises, and a final examination
    • Final grade: examination 100 %


    5 credits

    • Lectures, exercises, a final examination AND a computer assignment with real data, done in a group of 2-3 persons or alone (Python, R, Julia, Matlab, VBA). The computer assignment will be given in the end of the 5th lecture.
    • Final grade: approximately: examinations 80 %, assignment 20 %. This means that your final grade is basically determined by the examination(s). However, a very good assignment can affect positively your final grade if you would have needed 1-2 points more from the examination(s) for a better grade.
    • Assume that you got points from the examination. With points, the final grade would be 3. For the final grade 4, you would have needed A+2 points. Luckily, your computer assignment is very good. This good assignment rises the final grade to 4.
    • Assume that you made the assignment with a friend who got A-3 points from the examination. His final grade is also 3.  He would have needed as much as points more to get the final grade 4Five points is so much that even an excellent computer assignment cannot rise the final grade to 4.  


    6 credits

    • Same as 5 credit version + written assignment (6-10 pages). The topic of the assignment can be chosen quite freely. The written assignment does not effect on the final grade. 
    • You don’t need to decide in advance which version of the course (3, 5, or 6 cr) you take.