Osion kuvaus

  • Course instructors from Aalto Ventures Program:

    • Teea Mäkelä, teea.v.makela@aalto.fi (main instructor)
    • Ilja Riekki, ilja.riekki@aalto.fi

    All course sessions will be held via Zoom. 

     Identify Research Impact (1.6)Communicate Research Impact (10.6)Routes to Research Impact (17.6)
    9.15 - 9.30Introduction to the courseIntroduction to the day's sessionIntroduction to the day's session
    9.30 - 10.00What is research impact & why does it matter?Workshop & peer discussion: Reflections on interview findings of 1) Stakeholder 2) Beneficiary 3) End User

    Identifying future opportunities & career development options

    By Heikki Holopainen, VP at European Federation of Education Employers, Chief Policy Adviser at Finnish Education Employers

    10.00 - 10.45

    Identifying the value of your research: what problem does your research solve and why is this problem important to solve?

    By Petro Poutanen, CEO, Finnish Research Impact Foundation 

    Research communication for non-expert audiences

    By Reetta Kettunen, Secretary General, Committee for Public Information 

    Vocational mapping

    By Lauri Järvilehto, Professor of Practice at Aalto University, Co-Director at Aalto Ventures Program

    10.45 -11.00BreakBreakBreak
    11.00 - 12.00Workshop: Identifying the value of your researchWorkshop: Writing impact statement: What is my research about & how do I communicate with my audiencesWorkshop: Ideating & Designing personal journey
    12.00 - 13.00Lunch breakLunch breakLunch break
    13.00 - 13.45Tools for identifying the beneficiaries, end users, and stakeholders for your research

    Communication & presenting to different audiences

    By Tarek Omran, Co-founder, Science Pitchers

    Ecosystem resources & services

    By Ilja Riekki, Aalto Ventures Program (course teacher) & Janne Raula, Innovation Advisor, Aalto University

    13.45 - 14.00BreakBreakBreak
    14.00 - 14.45Exercise: Applying tools to your own researchWorkshop: Communication & presenting to different audiencesWorkshop: Designing pathways to build impact from your research
    14.45 - 15.00BreakBreakBreak
    15.00 - 15.45

    Applying design thinking methods to understanding end users, beneficiaries and stakeholders

    - Painpoint discovery-

    Workshop: Communication & presenting to different audiences (cont.)

    Group discussion, lessons learned & feedback

    Wrapping up

    15.45 - 16.00BreakBreak 
    16.00 - 17.00Workshop: Applying design thinking methods to understanding end users, beneficiaries and stakeholders

    Workshop: Networking

    By Peter Kelly, Connector, Aalto University

    Next steps & Free discussionClosing words for the day & Free networking
    Task: Conduct painpoint interviews with identified beneficiaries, end users, and stakeholdersTask: Start writing impact statement & planning communication actionTask: Continue writing impact statement & complete communication action.
    Voluntary task: Reflection essay