
  • 51E00100 Business Ethics

    Sessions Online (Period IV – 2022)

    Time: Mondays and Thursdays 16:15-19:00

    Teacher:           Matti Häyry1 (unless otherwise noted)


    Lecture 1          Monday           28 February            Introduction: Responsibility in business

    Lecture 2          Thursday          03 March                Management approaches from Taylorism to CSR

    Lecture 3          Monday            07 March               Political philosophies, justice, and CSR

    Lecture 4          Thursday          10 March                Mainstream CSR and its challenges2

    Lecture 5          Monday            14 March                Political CSR and its critique2

    Book exam I     Thursday           17 March                “Capitalism: A Graphic Guide”

    Lecture 6          Monday             21 March               Moral philosophies and business ethics

    Lecture 7          Thursday           24 March                Scandals, images, memory, and whistleblowing 13

    Lecture 8          Monday             28 March               Scandals, images, memory, and whistleblowing 23

    Lecture 9          Thursday           31 March                Sustainability and justice in EU bioeconomy plans

    Reading day:          No Monday Session                    Prepare for the final book exam.

    Book exam II   Thursday            07 April                   “Political Philosophy: A Graphic Guide”


    Planning team and lecturers:

    1 Professor Matti Häyry (Aalto University)


    2 Professor Jukka Mäkinen (Estonian Business School)


    3 Dr Jukka Rintamäki (Loughborough University London)
