Osion kuvaus

  • What?

    Halfway Show (HWS) is your chance to present your project to the class and the world.


    You will have 10 minutes to present your brief, what you've done so far, and your future plans with supporting media (slides, picture, video, live demo, etc)


    January 21ststarting at 16:00 on Stage at Aalto Design Factory and Online


    The event will be held hybrid in Livestream. The on-site presence of all students is highly encouraged. Due to the current restrictions, the space capacity will be limited to 40 seats, and those seats are fully booked for PdP participants. All other curious people can join the event online at the link below.

    Streaming link: https://livestream.com/aaltodesignfactory/202201pdp

    PS: Feel free to share the event link with friends, family and the world!


    16:00 Opening

    16:15 Presentations start (10min each)

    • ELWOOD
    • SAKO
    • ENSTO

    17:20 Coffee Break

    17:35 Guest speaker 

    17:45 Presentations resume (10 min each)

    • SAAB
    • LIFA-AIR

    18:35 Closing

    The Dos and the Don'ts:

    You will have 10 minutes to present your project. In these 10 minutes, your task is to ensure understanding of your audience. You wouldn't want to confuse them with too much detail, nor create more questions than you answer. As with all presentations, tailor-make your presentation for your audience. In this case PDP students and DF people. Use supporting media such as images, videos, and sounds. We don't want to see slides that are a wall of text. The audience can only focus on one thing at a time: either read the text or listen to you. If you need to use text, please limit it to 6 bullet points maximum. Live demos are exciting yet risky since it might not work. Have one or two persons present.


    Tips for a better presentation (up to you):

    • Problem-solution / Heaven and hell: Going back and forth between the problem (hell) and your solution (heaven), thus showing the contrast and proving how your solution is solving the issues.
    • Show evidence: Using facts, numbers, and expert quotes show evidence that your decisions are the right ones.
    • Grand unveiling: When it comes to presenting your "final" product unveil it as if you're Steve Jobs introducing the iPhone to the world for the first time.
    • Talk further: Talk to the person sitting all the way at the end of the hall. This means you talk with a strong and calm voice to make sure everyone is following.
    • Check your slides on the Stage computer ahead of time (on rehearsal day). Heads up! Not all fonts work from Windows to Mac. 
    • Entertain: People are giving you their time, so respect that and don't bore them or leave them confused.
    • Practice, practice, and practice!

    Here you can watch last year's presentations.


    Grand rental

    Two presenters. Introduces the project with a great story. Clear objectives for their project. Good slides. Great ending leaving the viewer curious to see the final prototype.



    Great start to engage the audience. Has made a character out of their neural network solution to explain their project through a dialogue. Utilizes animations in the presentation. Clear project statement. Great renderings of their concepts.



    Starts with a captivating and dramatic story. Good explanation of the problem that the project aims to solve as well as the means to do this.



    Uses a story to start and end the presentation. Good background research for their project.



    Albin's presentation.


    Naughty brgr

    Begins with a good story. Explains the problem well. Closes with the same story.



    Good explanation of what the technology behind the project is.



    Good pictures and illustrations. Well-rehearsed presentation. Good emphasis on testing.



    Humorous start. Educates the audience well on a problem that they probably haven't thought about in a good way. Well-structured presentation.

    2019-2020 presentations can be seen here.


    Caen Spa   

    Good Storytelling



    Problem and research well explained



    Well rehearsed; live demo of prototype



    Well prepared, good structure



    Good Storytelling; Engaging with audience