
  • UWAS-C0029 Design and Culture 2022
    V Period Mondays and Fridays, 15:15-18:00.
    Start Friday 22.4., End Friday 3.6.

    This is the overview of the program and weekly schedule and content of the course's sessions (follow for eventual updates). Readings and tasks specific to each session are indicated below; keep present also the weekly assignments.  (For planning your independent weekly study time see in the syllabus the workload).

    The sessions take place in rooms Y307 or Y307a at Otakaari 1 or at the sites we will be visiting.

    NOTE → the course's first and second sessions had to be rearranged via Zoom, room meeting ID 64915371995.

    Sessions on MONDAYS

    Sessions on FRIDAYS

    22.4. | 15:15 – 18:00, Y307a
    @ Zoom (room ID 64915371995) and @ Computer Lab U256, Otakaari 1

    Course intro I/II
    Getting acquainted (sharing the photographs); getting set-up: approach; program; assignments; special events... Wiki training with Esa Salmio of Teaching & Learning Services.

    15:15 - we meet in Zoom, meeting ID 64915371995;
    16:00 - you head to computer lab U256 (Otakaari 1), at 16:15 you'll have a MyCourses Wiki training session with Esa Salmio, Teaching & Learning Services
    17:15 - we meet again in Zoom, meeting ID 64915371995.
    Recap and Q&A

    Ahead of Monday read
    "Science, Art and Design: A Methodological Comparison" by Richard Foqué (chapter 2 (pp. 30-48) of his book Building Knowledge in Architecture, 2010); available in Aalto Primo as E-book.
    Post reflections by Monday noon.

    25.4. | 15:15 – 18:00, Y307a @Zoom

    Course intro II/II
    Students' presentations and discussion after reading "Science, Art and Design: A Methodological Comparison" by Richard Foqué (chapter 2 (pp.30-48) of his book Building Knowledge in Architecture, 2010).
    Notes on ways of knowing and the nature of design, art and science, and qualitative and quantitative research.
    (→ Follow up the reading with chapters 1 and 3)
    Recap and Q&A

    individual Thursday deadline→
    read others' individual submissions in the wiki; hold discussion and work meetings→ )

    29.4. | 15:15→  16:00 – 18:00

    Outing: Helsinki Central Library Oodi.
    With Heikki Ruoho, on designing the interiors of Oodi. On-site presentation and discussion.
    We meet at the venue in Room / Ryhmätila 3, 2nd floor.

    See in advance:

    2.5. | 15:15 – 18:00, Y307a

    Students' discussion and presentations on their work with the books.
    Notions: Cultural diversity, Culture, Sustainability, Cultural sustainability, with Paola Cabrera
    Reading: Strong sustainability... Principles and scenarios.

    Complementary material, video lecture:

    individual Thursday deadline→
    read others' individual submissions in the wiki; hold discussion and work meetings→ )

    6.5. | 15:00 – 17:45

    Outing: Design Museum
    Guided visits and discussion of:
    Design for Every Body, with Kaisu Savola, on design history, design issues and values behind design choices.

    9.5. | 15:15 – 18:00, Y307

    Students' discussion and presentations on the Introduction mentioned below (pp. 1-9), and on their work with the books.
    Design culture with Prof. Guy Julier.
    Prepare for the session by reading, from "Design Culture: Objects and Approaches" (2019), 'Introducing Design Culture' (pp. 1-9) (pdf).
    (Additionally, you can browse Chapter 9 of Economies of Design.
    (If you haven't,) Review the Design Culture site and in particular The Culture of Design and Economies of design sections.)
    Recap and Q&A

    individual Thursday deadline→
    read others' individual submissions in the wiki; hold discussion and work meetings→

    13.5. | 15:45 – 18:00

    We meet first at Aalto House (Riihitie 20) at 15:45 and then continue to Studio Aalto (Tiilimäki 20).

    16.5. | 15:15 – 18:00, Y307

    Students' discussion and presentations on their work with the books.
    Elise Hodson, on Geographies of Responsibility – Design in the Supply Chain; presentation and discussion of exercise (see mailbox).
    Recap and Q&A

    individual Thursday deadline→
    read others' individual submissions in the wiki; hold discussion and work meetings→

    20.5. | 14:30→  15:15 – 17:00  → ~17:45 (18:00)

    Excursion: Hvitträsk

    Aalto Travel Services informs that the pick-up and drop-off place is Otakaari 1, outside the Undergraduate Center.
    Let's meet there at 14:25...

    23.5. | 15:15 – 18:00, Y307a

    Ahead of the session: give an overview to the Echoes project on Decoloniality, in which there are 16 highlighted keywords or subtopics; of those, have a look at Decolonial aesthetics by Marine Schütz and identify 2~3 main general points you understand the author wants to put across. 'how is decolonial aesthetics important? how could it be related to design thinking and practice?'.  See also ideas on how to go about decolonizing design.

    Entanglements – Discussion on values (cultural, sociopolitical, environmental/ecological, economical/financial) in relation to dimensions of sustainability, sustainable lifestyles, and the concepts of empathy and decolonization and decolonial aesthetics.
    Review of the upcoming assignments and deadlines

    Note: The Original program included a Sustainable lifestyles lecture and workshop with Michael Lettenmeier; this had to be rescheduled, and later cancelled, due to ongoing illness. You can get acquainted with the topic and concepts by reading about the report "1.5 Degrees Lifestyles: Targets and options for reducing lifestyle carbon footprints" and exploring the Earth Overshoot Day site.

    individual Thursday deadline →
    individual Friday deadline →
    read others' individual submissions in the wiki; hold discussion and work meetings→

    The Design Forum Finland Awards exhibition at Glass House Helsinki (Aleksanterinkatu 23), closes on 28.5.2022. On show, the winner of the Kaj Franck Design Prize, the Young Designer[s] of the Year and the fourteen companies awarded in the Fennia Prize 22 design competition.

    27.5. | Independent work

     Read others' individual submissions in the wiki; hold discussion and work meetings.
    Review final assignments and deadlines of Friday 3.6.

    → A reading to support your analysis:  Doing cultural studies: The story of the Sony Walkman by of Du Gay, P., Hall, S., Janes, L., Mackay, A. (Madsen, A. K.) & Negus, K. Sage, in association with The Open University.   Recommendation: read pages 1-7 of the Introduction to the 1997 edition and then continue with the Introduction to the 2013 edition.  (The book (2013) is available at Aalto Primo).

    30.5. | 14:00→  15:30 – 17:30 →~19:00

    Excursion: Paimio Sanatorium

    Aalto Travel Services informs that the pick-up and drop-off place may be Otakaari 1, outside the Undergraduate Center.
    Let's meet at this location at 13:55; and see whether the bus is there or a bit further.

    (individual Thursday deadline -- if needed)
    read others' individual submissions in the wiki; hold discussion and work meetings to complete the final presentation (see final assignments) →

    (Reminder: Free entrance to Design Museum every month's last Tuesday, Design Evenings, 16-20; in May, Tue.31.5. →)

    3.6. | 15:15 – 18:00, Y307a

    → Final course session
    Students' final presentations