GIS-E5050 - Advanced Geodesy D, Lecture, 1.3.2022-12.4.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 12.04.2022 Etsi kursseja: GIS-E5050
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Welcome to the course Advanced Geodesy!
Topics for year 2022 are physical geodesy, space geodesy and geodetic applications.The lectures will be on campus (Otakaari 4, 202), with an option for zoom and recorded lecture. We will test the different options on the first week and find the optimal solution also for remote studies.The preliminary course plan is:When
Tues 1.3. 10-12
Introduction (Maaria Nordman) live + zoom
Weds 2.3. 12-14
Block A: gravity theory (Mirjam Bilker-Koivula) live + zoom
Tues 8.3. 10-12
Block A: gravity measurements (MN) live + zoom
Weds 9.3. 12-14
Block A: geoid models etc. (MBK) live + zoom
Tues 15.3. 10-12
Block B: space geodesy GNSS (MN) pre-recorded
Weds 16.3. 12-14
Block B: space geodesy VLBI (Vicky Liu) live + zoom
Tues 22.3. 10-12
Block B: space geodesy SLR (MN) live + zoom
Weds 23.3. 12-14
Block C: applications and sustainability (MN) live + zoom, group work
Tues 29.3. 10-12
Block C: applications oceans and glaciers (Havu Pellikka) live + zoom
Weds 30.3. 12-14
Block C: applications and solid Earth (MN) live + zoom
Tues 5.4. 10-12
Student presentations live (+zoom?)
Weds 6.4. 12-14
Metsähovi excu 12-16 (live only)
Exam week Tues 12.4. 10-12
Student presentations, part 2 zoom
See the Block and lecture contents in the Contents of the lectures below.
Exercise session Wednesdays 14:15-16 at Y344 (Otakaari 1) and in zoom.