Topic outline

  • Mark here when you are coming to Väre this week:


    • Use the G203 (or any other space) to test out your initial ideas or use the time for reading, writing, planning etc.


    • Use the G203 (or any other space) to test out your initial ideas or use the time for reading, writing, planning etc.
    • 15:00 Visit to the gallery space (Unika Gallery/WHS Teatteri Union)


    • Use the G203 (or any other space) to test out your initial ideas or use the time for reading, writing, planning etc.


    • Use the G203 (or any other space) to test out your initial ideas or use the time for reading, writing, planning etc.


    • Use the G203 (or any other space) to test out your initial ideas or use the time for reading, writing, planning etc.
    • We meet at 13:15 in G203, I would like to hear a small report on what you have been doing during the week.