Topic outline

  • Man and lights

    Themes of the session:

    • Different starting points for integrating sustainability
    • Introduction to competencies for sustainability
    • Applying competencies into participants' own fields  

    Session materials

    Sustainability competency framework.

    Session slides.


    Homework A-D

    A. Assignment 2 (dl 5.4.)

    B. Peer discussion (before submitting Assignment 2.): Book a timeslot for an informal discussion with a department colleague.

    Topic of discussion: What are the most relevant and important sustainability competences in your field? Share a brief reflection in the assignment.

    C. Reading task for session 3 - choose either:

    1. SDG Science Perspective, pages 5-11, 85-86, (if SDGs are not yet so familiar to you)


    2. Alm et al (2021) Advancing SDG competencies in higher education: exploring an interdisciplinary pedagogical approach. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. (if SDGs are familiar to you)

    D. Interconnectedness of SDGs (video starts at 19:20 minutes):