Osion kuvaus

  • KiVANET- 中文二 & 汉字二 , 5 op

    In this course, we learn more communicative situations in everyday life and work.  We learn to express tense and aspect in Chinese and find out more about Chinese culture. Vocabulary and characters will be covered through the course.

    This course consists of two parts: Chinese 2 (3 ECTS) and Characters 2 (2ECTS). Eight lessons in total.

    • Chinese 2 covers lessons 1, 3, 5 and 7
    • Chinese Characters 2 covers lessons 2, 4, 6 and 8 


    1. Online oral and written assignments (80%)
    2. Attending at least TWO Zoom lessons (20%)


    Spring in China: Top Places to Go, Weather, Travel Tips

    We will have the kick-off meeting on Friday 1st of April 16:00-17:00.

    Course recurring meeting link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/67599908827?pwd=eHBVZnNZamQyWWU0UDJtS3JOeHhnQT09

    老师 teacher:  Jinhua Cheng 程金华   jinhua.cheng@aalto.fi

    Content Assignment
    Four Zoom lessons  
    (Two of the lessons are mandatory)
    Lesson 1          Week 14     课文 Nationalities and languages  4月4日 4月1日 星期五 16.00-17.00
    Lesson 2
    Week 15
    汉字 Characters from "Nationalities and languages"      4月11日 
    Lesson 3
    Week 16
    课文 In a teahouse  4月18日4月22日 星期五  16.30-17.30 
    Group work 1 
    Lesson 4
    Week 17
    汉字 Characters from "in a teahouse" 4月25日 
    Lesson 5
    Week 18
    课文 Food and restaurant 5月2日5月6日 星期五 16.00-17.00 
    Group work 2
    Lesson 6
    Week 19
    汉字 Characters from "Food and restaurant" 5月9日 
    Lesson 7
    Week 20
    课文 Shopping and bargaining 5月16日5月20日 星期五 16.30-17.30 
    Lesson 8
    Week 21
    汉字 Characters from "Shopping and bargaining" 5月23日 

    Important course info

    Here is some important information about the course:

    • There will be no traditional exam for this 5 credit course.
    • The course assessment is 1-5!  
    • There are four Zoom lessons during the whole course, student must attend any two of the four lessons.
    • The teachers will not give you always personal feedback on the assignments. Possible feedback will be given collectively when necessary.
    • Consultation chances for your questions will be arranged during the Zoom lessons.
    • If not informed separately, you will have one week to return your new assignments.