Osion kuvaus

  • In your second group task you will analyze the Public Participation GIS dataset collected for the city of Espoo.

    The dataset includes everyday place markings and location of personally meaningful places.

    Your first task will be to choose your group (group task 2) where you work during the second group work.

    To help you to start analyzing the dataset,  we have created clusters, hot spots for negative and positive place markings. Your second task will be to choose from two to four clusters that you will analyze in your group. While choosing the clusters you will also get yourself familiar with the datasets from Espoo that we will analyze in this course. The dataset was collected with the MyEspoo survey in autumn 2020.

    When realizing the analysis challenge, you have a variety of possibilities for the task. You can for example analyze the cluster by using one or more from the options 1-4 listed below. In all these analysis it is important to reflect both the experiences of people and the characteristics of settings. Your analysis can focus to one of these dimensions or many but please always try to realize analysis that at least somehow reflects both the "soft" and "hard" layers of information. 

    Please frame your analysis with ideas from Environmental Psychology that you have learned during the course or you have been inspired elsewhere. This framing can be based on theoretical ideas or empirical findings that we have discussed.

    Please make a presentation about your work for the last session. The presentation can be max 10-15 min long, you cannot exceed this time!


    1.  GIS-analysis or visualization and compare the land use in the clusters that you have chosen and analyze e.g.:

    • Mixed land use
    • Density level
    • Intersection density
    • Green structure proportion
    • Something else...

    2.  On site analysis of the users

    Get additional information about the users of the site for example by:
    • Realizing behavior mapping a la Jan Gehl and observing how people use the site
    • Realizing interviews among the users of the site: for example short street interviews or walk along interviews might be doable
    • Making a video on the site and how it is used
    • Something else...

    3. Deeper analysis of the site characteristics

    Get additional information about the characteristics of the site for example by:
    • Realizing an expert audit, systematically observing the characteristics of the site
    • Using Google street views to analyze the characteristics of the site
    • Realizing a historical analysis of the site
    • Something else...

    4. Do improvement suggestions based on the place experiences by people

    Based on the analysis of the clusters and the information you have collected when doing tasks 1-3, you probably can give some suggestions how the place could be developed. Please visualize your ideas and justify how the ideas would improve the places.

    If you need help in the group work, please contact us:

    For questions related to GIS-analysis -> Tiina: tiina.e.rinne@aalto.fi

    Other questions-> Marketta: marketta.kytta@aalto.fi

    • Ryhmävalinta icon

      Please choose the group where you want to work during the second group task. Each group can have the maximum of six students: most groups (groups 1-10) will have 5 students.

    • Valinta icon

      Please choose two or three clusters from the map that your group will analyze during this second group work. The map you can find here:


      You can study each clusters by pointing them with the mouse. Then you will see quite a lot of information about the cluster, e.g.:

      • How many important everyday place and personally meaningful place marking are located in this cluster?
      • Which travel modes are used to access the places of this cluster?

      Please choose (by clicking the title of this section) from two to four clusters that can be either positive or negative. You can freely choose if you want to work with both positive and negative cluster or just with one of them. Each cluster can be chosen only by one group!

      It is also possible to pick more than four clusters for analysis, but only after other groups have already picked their clusters.

    • Tiedosto icon

      Please find the Shapefile datasets for the second group work here. Cluster numbers are added to the points. The Excel files are not joined with the GIS files because the column names had to be short and this would have made the data hard to understand.

      Here's also home locations. The home locations have been slightly changed to avoid privacy related compromises but this does not affect significantly the results performed with this data.

      Summary: 112 clusters (60 positive, 52 negative), 14527 everyday places, 2883 quality places

      Shapefiles (GIS):
      • Espoo border
      • Clusters
      • EveryDay places (has a cluster ID field)
      • Quality_places  (has a cluster ID field)
      • Home locations

       About the Excel file:

      • The excel file can be joined with GIS files using “Mapping_ID” field. (However, the shapefiles already have all the original fields and there is no need for this)
      • The excel file include all the place markings that the survey respondents have made., but the GIS files only include points which are in clusters.