Osion kuvaus

  • According to linear theory, rigidity of a simply supported plate is constant whose value depends on the plate thickness, size of the plate, and the plate material. Experiments indicate, however, that rigidity increases rapidly in the transverse displacement. The actual boundary conditions at the support may also affect the setting. For example, in rectangle geometry, the contact between the plate and support may be lost at the corner regions (if the displacement at the support is constrained only downwards like in the figure).

    In the modelling assignment, you will study the effects of geometrical and material parameters, and displacement on rigidity of a rectangular plate on a rectangular support. The starting point is a generic expression predicted by dimension analysis. First, a simplified linear model is used for a more specific relationship. After that, analysis by FEM is used for a more precise picture. The final outcome is a design formula for rigidity. The modelled rigidities are compared with that given by an experiment.

    The outcome is a report that should explain the methods used, compare the results obtained using the three methods, and discuss any possible discrepancies between the methods. The report should be detailed enough to enable a reader with some background in experiments and engineering models to follow the derivations and repeat the steps.