Topic outline

  • A structure is considered as periodic if one may identify a part which repeats itself in one or several directions. Regularity in that sense can be used to simplify, e.g., displacement analysis with variable number of parts.

    The aim is to find the effect of geometrical and material parameters to the displacement-load relationship of a periodic steel structure of the type shown in the figure. The left end is attached to a wall. The right end is loaded by a point force. The starting point is a generic expression predicted by dimension analysis. First, a simplified model is used for a more specific relationship. After that, analysis by FEM is used to study the effects of details. Finally, the displacement-force relationship is compared with an experimental one.

    The outcome is a report that should explain the methods used, compare the results obtained using the three methods, and discuss any possible discrepancies between the methods. The report should be detailed enough to enable a reader with some background in experiments and engineering models to follow the derivations and repeat the steps.

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      Lecture notes 27.04.2023

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      Mathematica notebook for simplified analysis and draft of the FEM analysis by Mathematica

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      Lecture notes 04.05.2023

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      Notebook for  FEM simulation by Mathematica

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      Draft of report 1 Assignment

      Return the draft of report 1 to get generic feedback (may not be accepted in the present from / likely to be accepted in the present form)

      Deadline Mon 08.05 23:55.

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      Do's and don'ts for report 1 File PDF

      Comments based on the report drafts. Use the comments as a checklist for the final version.