Osion kuvaus

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      The last day of the 2-week intensive part of the course, Friday 19th August 9-16, is dedicated for sharing your 1) most interesting series of experiments or 2) a potential material concept based on your ideas and experiments during the course. You can present either in pairs, teams, or individually.

      Each project will have max. 7 min to present and 3 min to short comments by the audience. 

      Two parts of the presentations are: 

      -a short pdf/pp (5-6 slides incl. project name, idea, presenting concept/experiment series, next steps) 

      -selected set of your samples displayed on a table outside the lecture hall 

      Photographer will document the sample displays, and you can take your samples with you.

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      You need to document your working process in a personal learning diary on daily basis. To learn of the materials, you should observe, systematically document and analyse the material behavior when experimenting and afterwards. 

      The course report (=learning diary) is due to 2nd September, to be submitted through MyCourses. It should consist of documentation (text, photos, drawings), reflection and argued conclusions of your working and learning process. The length is 15-20 pages.