
  • PLEASE NOTE: The below themes are not to overload you by reading them in one week only.

    The themes are meant for your review as you go further in your thesis work. If you just started your thesis you can benefit from these materials to facilitate your work.

    Theme 1: Choosing a Topic

    To assist you in selecting an interesting topic, check the following articles:

    You can also get inspiration from previous IDBMers' Master's theses at Aaltodoc.

    Theme 2: Conducting interviews

    Read: Adams, W. C. (2015). Conducting semi-structured interviews. Handbook of practical program evaluation4, 492-505.
    Read: Conducting Semi Structured Interviews

    Theme  3: Analysing Qualitative Data

    Watch the following videos in the same sequence:

    - part 1: Qualitative Anqalysis in Design Research:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/jbv3ojbaupahcu7/2-qualitativeanalysis_pt1.mp4?dl=0

    - part 2: coding video :

    - part 3: Fundamentals of Gioia Method: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l618jqdpuulqny6/2-qualitativeanalysis_pt2.mov?dl=0


    • Read article: Gioia, D. A., Corley, K. G., & Hamilton, A. L. (2013). Seeking qualitative rigor in inductive research: Notes on the Gioia methodology. Organizational research methods16(1), 15-31.)

    Theme 4: How to Write Literature Reviews

    1. Watch this lecture on Literature Reviews by Niina Nurmi (note that the assignments discussed in her lecture are no longer accurate in this course, so ignore those)
    2. Watch this video on How to read a paper efficiently by Pete Carr.

    Theme 5: How to Review Others’ Work and Give Feedback

    • The topic and how it's framed (perhaps too wide or too narrow topics are not ideal). I encourage you to have open discussions regarding perspectives, aspects or other ideas regarding how the topic should and could be framed.
    • The content. Is relevant literature and phenomena discussed? Are the arguments backed up with literature? Should there even be an argument? (strong arguments are not always needed, depends on your topic and framing choice).
    • The structure. Does it make sense? Could the essay be better if the structure would be re-arranged? Is something missing? Are there parts that are not relevant or needed?
    • Language. Both grammar and academic style. If you notice some typos, it's okay to point them out. Also, you can discuss what makes the academic text sound academic.

    Theme 6: Introduction writing

    Watch this recording: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v0s3zkfvt45d7na/4-introductionsection.mp4?dl=0

    Theme 7: Discussion and Implication

    • Writing academic text, how to reflect your research to existing academic work, how should your research implications be discussed?
    • Watch: