ABL-E2600 - Financial Law, Lecture, 11.1.2023-20.2.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 20.02.2023 Etsi kursseja: ABL-E2600
Osion kuvaus
Textbook for the exam is:
Veil's European Capital Markes Law.
Here are some hints of what could be of main interest in the textbook (Veil, European capital markets law) when preparing for the final exam. You can focus on these and skip the rest of the book (the figures refer to the contents of the book, i.e. the chapters, sub-chapters and sections etc.) :
- § 2 (Concept and aims of regulation) , § 7 Capital markets, § 12 I and II (Sanctions), 3 Market Abuse: § 13. Foundations, § 14. Insider Dealing, § 15. Market Manipulation, § 17. Prospectus Disclosure, § 18. Periodic Disclosure, § 19. Disclosure of Inside Information, § 24 Short Sales and Credit Default Swaps, § 30 Investment Services, § 31 Product Intervention, § 32 Foundations of Compliance 9 Takeover Law: § 37 Foundations, § 38 Public Takeovers, § 39 Mandatory Bid, § 40 Defence against Takeover Bids.
The chapter numbers refer to the newest edition (2022) of the book. However, you can read the corresponding chapters also according to the previous editions (2013 and 2017). In need, I can help you in finding the right chapters. Fortunately, all editions can be read for the course, because the differences relate mainly to changes of detailed regulation (dealt with in the lectures), and in the exam, we may focus on the main principles based on the book.
Even the mentioned chapters should be read in a "structural" way: the systematic outlines (not the details) and market structures are important. And in general, the national legislations and supervisory systems can be skipped.