Topic outline

  • Module 6 (3.-16.4.) - New perspectives and overview

    • Themes: New perspectives to organizing and organization design. Summary and overview. 
    • Learning objectives: In this module, you get insights into contemporary discussions on organizations and organizing. You are also able to analyze how different perspectives in organization design link together .

    TUESDAY 4.4. :
    Guest Lecture on Tuesday: Reima Launonen (PhD Researcher in University of Helsinki, Consultant)

    Mandatory readings:

    Read one of the two (or both if you'd like)

    Option 1: Forcadell, F. J. (2005). Democracy, cooperation and business success: The case of Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa. Journal of Business Ethics, 56(3), 255-274.  

    Option 2: Battilana, J., Fuerstein, M., & Lee, M. Y. (2018). New prospects for organizational democracy? How the joint pursuit of social and financial goals challenges traditional organizational designs. 

    Additional optional readings:
    Optional: Bernstein, E., Bunch, J., Canner, N., & Lee, M. (2016). Beyond the holacracy hype. Harvard business review94(7), 8.
    Optional: Hamel, G. (2011). First, let’s fire all the managers. Harvard Business Review89(12), 48-60.
    Optional: Foss, N. J., & Klein, P. G. (2014). Why managers still matter. MIT Sloan Management Review.

    Tuesday materials:


    Spring break 6 Apr – 12 Apr 2023


    THURSDAY 13.4.
    Guest Lecture on Thursday: Henri Schildt (Professor, Aalto BIZ)

    Mandatory readings:

    Schildt, H. (2020). The data imperative: How digitalization is reshaping management, organizing, and work. Oxford University Press, USA. - Chapter 7

    Direct access:

    Thursday materials:

    Henri's slides

    Summary slides