Osion kuvaus

  • Component

    Percent of Final Grade

    Due Date

    Links to more details

    Individual Written Assignments




    Pre-session assignments

    16% (8x2%)

    Due before start of sessions at 14:15

    Pre-session preparation


    24% (3x 8%)

    All due by December 2


    Commenting on others’ reflections

    15% (5x3%)

    All due by December 7

    Commenting on others' reflections





    Group report



    Group Projects - Background and Descriptions

    Create Group


    Wednesday, November 2


    Group contract


    Monday, November 7


    Interim Report I


    Sunday, November 13


    Interim Report II


    Sunday, November 27


    Final report


    Friday, December 9


    Peer evaluation


    Saturday, December 10


    Note as well:

    Attending (9/12) of sessions is obligatory, as the discussions we have in class are key to learning in this course; put another way, you can miss maximum 3/12 sessions. Moreover, based on prior experience, it is highly unlikely that one missing more than three sessions will be able to contribute meaningfully to the group work.  Resultantly, if you miss more than three sessions, you will be removed from the group work, making it exceedingly difficult to pass the course. 

    These 12 sessions include out core in-class sessions, as well as class time devoted to group work.

    Medical absences, with appropriate documentation, are not counted as absences.  However, to ensure you can contribute to the group work, you will be required to make up the missed sessions by watching the recording, and writing a short reflection on it.

    This course will follow the Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity and Handling There of:


    • Sivu icon

      Click for full details. Each pre-session preparation will be graded as a 0, 1, or 2.  I will use your eight highest grades, so 8x2% = 16%.

    • Sivu icon
      The short explanation: Your highest 3 reflections will be counted (3*8%=24%). reflections will be given a grade of 0-10. I expect most will receive a 7, 8, or 9, with 10s being reserved for those that are exceptionally insightful. Here are a few pointers that will help you get a good grade.

    • Sivu icon

      The short explanation: Your highest 5 comments will be counted (5*3%=15%). All comments will be given a grade of 0-10. I expect most will receive a 7, 8, or 9, with 10s being reserved for those that are exceptionally insightful. Here are a few pointers that will help you get a good grade.