
  • This is the page where you can find the schedule, assignments and materials for the joint New Media and Sound in New Media seminar group. The teacher in charge is Markku Reunanen and all our sessions will be online on Zoom (see your email or the forum below for the link).


    Note that there are no sessions during the workshop weeks. Joint lectures with all the majors together marked in red.

    • Sep 7: Introduction. Our own kickoff (15:00).
    • Sep 14: Thesis roundtable
    • Sep 21: Alumni day
    • Sep 28: Thesis grading workshop
    • Oct 5: Let's find sources
    • Oct 12: Reading circle (see the forum below if you didn't get email)
    • Oct 26: Thesis plan review (see Thesis Guide). Instructions and bookings for the 1st presentation.
    • Nov 2: Writing a thesis tutorial, seminar joint Zoom call (see the frontpage)
    • Nov 9: Research ethics, stay for the whole session (Otakaari 1, U154: U1)
    • Nov 16: 1st presentations
    • --- Nov 21 thesis deadline
    • Nov 23: 1st presentations
    • Nov 30: 1st presentations
    • --- Dec 30 thesis deadline

    *** Christmas Break ***

    • Jan 11: Table of contents review
    • Jan 18: Instructions for the 2nd presentation and opponents. Leftover 1st presentations if needed.
    • Jan 25: 2nd presentations
    • Feb 1: 2nd presentations
    • Feb 8: 2nd presentations
    • Feb 15: 2nd presentations, wrapping up
    • Amnesty day, Mar 1: remaining presentations – optional session for those in need. This is the last opportunity.
    • --- May 29 thesis deadline
    • --- July 31 thesis deadline

    1st Presentation

    10 minutes for you and your slides, videos, audio clips, sketches and other material – do not exceed this or we'll blow the schedule, so practice the timings beforehand. 5 minutes for questions and comments, so all the slots are 15 minutes in total. The content is to be pretty much the same as your thesis plan, but spice it up with audiovisual material and make the presentation audience friendly, as we have many to see. Book a slot using the Doodle link you can find on your email and the forum below. Note that the presentation times are not real, but just slots so the order and exact times might differ. No named opponents needed for this presentation, but we'll have those for the 2nd presentation.

    The first presentation will earn you 10 ECTS as the first part of your MA thesis.

    2nd Presentation

    15 minutes for you and the materials you want to show. 10 minutes maximum for questions and comments, mostly from your designated opponent (see below). At this point you need to present your work in more detail than in the 1st round: instead of just initial thoughts and ideas, there needs to be something concrete in terms of project work, theoretical framework, methods and thesis structure. As a general rule of thumb you should have the table of contents and one chapter's worth of text ready at this point. Send the current thesis manuscript to your opponent at least one week before the presentation so that they have time to prepare. Book a slot using the link you can find on your email and the forum below.

    The second presentation will earn you 10 ECTS as the second part of your MA thesis.


    What does it mean if you're someone's opponent?

    • You should receive the thesis manuscript at least one week before the 2nd presentation
    • Give useful and honest feedback to the thesis writer: comments, questions and praise when applicable. You can also suggest further readings if you know of some.
    • Things to consider: readability, structure, argumentation, framing, use of sources, and the project itself
    • "It was nice" isn't enough -- it's better to get critical comments at this point rather than in the final evaluation
    • Little details, such as typos, are better sent as an email rather than pointing out at the seminar



    In addition to the 80% attendance requirement, the students will give two presentations and act as an opponent for a 2nd presentation. The students who started their thesis process after summer 2022 also need to write a thesis plan. You can find the attendance list link on your email or the forum below.