Topic outline

  • In this page, you see the time schedule for the seminar (subject to minor adjustments as the course proceeds, as number of classroom presentation meetings will be depending on the number of students):

    Apart from the first meeting, all meetings are on Thursdays. Attendance is mandatory in all meetings with student presentations.

    8.9. First classroom meeting: Presentation of teachers, seminar practices and general guidance.

    The meeting is held jointly for the English BSc program course (BIZ3190) and the Finnish Bachelor's program course (BIZ3120).  Teachers: Miri Stryjan and Nelli Valmari.
    Classroom: U119 (undergraduate center)

    12.9. Submit your preliminary topic by 23:59 (return box is found under "General")

    14.9. Second classroom meeting: How to search for and judge the quality of literature for your thesis. 

    The meeting is held jointly for the English BSc program course (BIZ3190) and the Finnish Bachelor's program course (BIZ3120). Teachers: Miri Stryjan and Nelli Valmari.
    Classroom: U358 (undergraduate center)

    28.9 Submit your research plan by 12.00

    Research plan presentations - Mandatory Attendance
    NOTE: the presentation are held in separate classes for the English and the Finnish groups.

    Thu 28.9 15:15-18:00
    Classroom English group: U119
    Classroom Finnish group: U121b

    Thu 5.10 15:15-18:00
    Classroom English group: U119
    Classroom Finnish group: U264

    Presentation schedules will be uploaded under "Research plan presentation"
    Submit slides on mycourses before the presentation.

    Optional classroom meeting:
    9.11 15.15-17.00
    Classroom: U119 (Deloitte)
    This meeting is joint for both groups and the purpose is to discuss challenges and answer questions related to the process of writing and building the thesis and preparing for the final draft presentation.

    Final draft presentations and opponent comments  - Mandatory Attendance
    Thu 23.11.23 15:15-18:00
    Classroom English group: Ekonominaukio 1, V002 [68]

    Classroom Finnish group U121b

    Thu 30.11.23 09:00-12:00 
    Classroom English group: Ekonominaukio 1, 
    U006 [65] (begin at 09.15)

    Finnish group TBA

    Thu 30.11.23 15:15-18:00
    Classroom English group: Väre, Q101 [60]
    Classroom Finnish group U119

    Presentation schedule will be updated later under "Final draft presentation"

    Submission deadline for finished thesis: 29.12
    Please check the instructions for maturity test and thesis submissions, including Turnitin submission, here:
    Students taking BIZ3190.kand:
    Students taking BIZ3120.kand: 
    Note! The deadline is binding! Delayed submission will affect the grade.