Topic outline

  • module 6 logo

    After Module 6, you will be able to:

    • analyze potential environmental impacts of metals production, usage and recycling
    • outline methods used for assessing environmental impact
    • identify what is LCA and how it is used in the area of metals production/ usage and recycling

    Content of Module 6:

    • Importance of environmental impacts assessment
    • Different categories of environmental impacts
    • Life Cycle Assessment as a tool for evaluating environmental impacts
    • Example of Life Cycle Assessment analysis of metals production

    To complete Module 6:
    • watch Video 1 - Importance of environmental impacts assessment
    • watch Video 2 - Categories of environmental impacts
    • watch Video 3 - Life Cycle Assessment
    • watch Video 4 - LCA example of cobalt recycling
    • complete and submit Quiz 1: Environmental impacts of metals production.
    • complete and submit Quiz 2: Life Cycle Assesment of metals production

    After completing activities remember to Mark them as done!
    (Mark as done option can be found next to each video and reading task)

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      Quiz 1: Environmental impacts of metals production.
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      Quiz 2: Life Cycle Assesment of metals production
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      Slides from the videos (Module 6) Folder
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      Additional reading: UN report on Environmental risks of metals File PDF