Osion kuvaus



      All lectures online


      AUTUMN 2023


      Monday 18.9.2023

      12:45-14:45 on Zoom, link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/67146622196

      Previs for film production: Real-time previsualization with Unreal Engine 5.

      Antti Ahokoivu, Cinematographer, Laskos Virtuals (https://laskos.fi/)


      Monday 9.10.2023

      12:00-14:00 on Zoom, link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/67148284795

      “Digital and physical production design”

      Kari Kankaanpää (MA) Production Designer


      Monday 11.12.2023

      13:15-16:00 on Zoom, link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69668929485

      LET'S DESIGN TOGETHER! International Costume Design Collaboration in E-Bloc Catwalk Performance.

      Fruzsina Nagy (DLA) Costume Designer (Hungary)Simona Rybáková (Ph.D.) Costume Designer and Independent Researcher (Czechia), and Zuzu Hudek (MFA) Costume Designer and Visual Artist (Slovakia)




      SPRING 2024


      Monday 22.1.2024

      13:15-16:00 on Zoom, link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69037911427

      Insubordinate Costume: creating and performing with modular elements.

      Susan Marshall (PhD) Adjunct Professor of History of Fashion at FIT in Milan (Fashion Institute of Technology New York), Professor of Costume Design Afol Moda Milan


      Monday 5.2.2024

      13:15-16:00 on Zoom, link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64781998598

      ”Pukusuunnittelija, taiteellisen työryhmän jäsen, joka herättää luonnokset henkiin ja käytäntöön – työ tanssitaiteen, oopperan ja nykytanssin pukujen parissa” (in Finnish)

      Erika Turunen (MA) resident Costume Designer at the Finnish National Opera and Ballet


      Monday 12.2.2024

      13:15-16:00 on Zoom, link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69771065385

      Naked body as the costume choice in live performance 

      Tua Helve (DA) Costume Designer, Visiting Researcher Uniarts Helsinki, Theatre Academy


      Monday 26.2.2024

      13:15-16:00 on Zoom, link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/66436849490

      Drawing costumes - concept art, sketches and illustrations

      Laura Malinen (MA) Costume Designer


      Monday 25.3.2024

      13:15-16:00 on Zoom, link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62196880080

      The Consciousness of Costumes

      Liz Vandal, Costume Designer (Canada)