ARTS-A0627 - Art, Life and Entrepreneurship 1 - What is entrepreneurship?, Lecture, 24.10.2023-28.11.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 28.11.2023 Etsi kursseja: ARTS-A0627
Osion kuvaus
Sessions are held in Aalto K3, Juniper room at Puumiehenkuja 5
Miro Course Board:
Password: alefall2023
Homework assignmets can be found on Miro
Upload your poster here. Format. PDF Max size 400mb
Video return Keskustelualue
For your videos:
- upload your video to a video sharing site, default is
- make sure video sharing is set to either "Your organization (unlisted)" of "Public (unlisted)" if on Panopto, for other video sharing services use appropriate setting. Do not use TikTok!
- add a post to this forum with
- video link (test that it works!)
- your names
- deadline is 28.11 12:00