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    Deadline week's tutoring schedule:

    • Wednesday 22.11. from 12.15 to 15.00, Room AS4
    • Friday 24.11. from 9.15 to 12.00, Room AS3

    Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management course provides you with the basic skills for thinking, reasoning and analysis in industrial engineering and management. After completing the course, you will understand the basic concepts of industrial engineering and management. You will understand the key dynamics of the subject area, enabling you to evaluate business opportunities, plan business processes and analyse the economic situation of a company. You will also learn general engineering skills such as project planning, organisation and management.

    The course focuses on the following topics: industrial engineering and management as a science, value as a basis for business, production systems and organisations, the production process and production control, production as part of the value chain, project business, accounting and profitability, and investment.

    The course provides an excellent overview of the different aspects of the production economy, linking production, technology and economics. At the same time, the course provides a good basis for other industrial engineering and management courses.

    Completing the course

    The course consists of lectures, practical work, calculations, independent study and a midterm or exam. The course consists of 5 credits. The distribution of the course workload is detailed at the end of this page.

    Course lectures

    The lecture times and locations are listed in the table below. Each lecture consists of two parts, with a break of about 10 to 15 minutes between each part. Recordings of the lectures will be published afterwards, with a delay of a few days, on the MyCourses page "Lectures and lecture materials".

    Lectures and their contents:

    Mon 4.9. 12:15-14:00, Lecture hall D (Y122)
     Industrial Engineering and Management as a science
     * Conditions and institutions for economic activity. The nature of technology and production trends. (Timo Vuori)
     * Briefly about completing the course. (Tero Haahtela)
    Mon 11.9. 12:15-14:00, Lecture hall D (Y122)  Value as the basis of business
     * The concept of value, the structure of the market and the determination of the boundaries of the firm. Business environment and competition. Business models and the value proposition. (Mikko Jääskeläinen)
     * Basics of sales and marketing. (Pekka Töytäri)
    Mon 18.9. 12:15-14:00, Lecture hall D (Y122)  Production systems, production process and production control
     * Production archetypes, capacity and customer interaction. Various production environments. (Tero Haahtela)
     * Description of the production process, production flow and planning. Warehouses and buffers as part of. The role of batch size in production. Production planning and control. (Paul Lillrank)
    Tue 26.9.
    10:15-12:00, Lecture hall AS2 (Maarintie 8/TUAS)
     Products, services and their life cycle & Project planning and management
    * Products, services and their life cycle (Timo Seppälä)
    * Project life cycle, objectives and organisation. Project planning and management (Karlos Artto)
    Mon 2.10. 12:15-14:00, Lecture hall AS2 (Maarintie 8/TUAS)
     Production as part of the supply chain
    * Core competences and outsourcing. Procurement as part of economic activity. (Kari Tanskanen)
    * Structuring and managing supply chains and forecasting demand. (Lauri Saarinen)
    Mon 9.10. 12:15-14:00, Lecture hall AS2 (Maarintie 8/TUAS)  Accounting and profitability
    * The financial situation of the company and its indicators. (Jouko Karjalainen)
    Tue 17.10. 13:00 - 16:00, TBA
     Midterm 1, 13:00 - 16:00
     Two essay assignments
    Mon 23.10 12:15-14:00, Lecture hall AS2 (Maarintie 8/TUAS)
    * Investment analysis, opportunity cost
    * The concept of net present value and how to calculate it. (Jouko Karjalainen)
    Mon 30.10. 12:15-14:00, Lecture hall AS2 (Maarintie 8/TUAS)  Course summary lecture
    Fri 8.12 13:00-15:00, TBA
     Midterm 2, 13:00 - 15:00
     ~10 Excel-based exercises related to accounting and investments

    Pre-lecture quizzes

    The weekly pre-lecture quizzes and related reading material will be published on MyCourses after each lecture. The pre-assignments consist of about 10 multiple-choice questions per week. The assignments are closed when the next lecture starts. Note that there is no pre-lecture quiz for the course's opening lecture (September 4th). The first pre-lecture quiz will be published six days before the second lecture. A maximum of 3,5 course evaluation points will be awarded for the assignments.

    Group project and weekly sub-tasks

    The group project for this course is a business plan for setting up a restaurant. Course assistants will direct and guide you in this task. The project consists of five sub-tasks and a final report, which are returned to MyCourses. Feedback and assessment will be given for each of the sub-tasks. Based on the feedback received, your task is to prepare a final report at the end of the course. A total of 30 course evaluation points can be awarded for the assignment, and a minimum of 15 points is required for the successful completion of the course. During the weekly exercises, you can ask the course assistants for advice on completing the assignment if necessary.

    Calculation exercises and tutoring sessions

    Calculation tasks are tasks related to financial calculations in MyCourses. The calculations are completed independently in two separate sets of exercises.The first exercise round is open from October 10 to 24 November, and the second from 24 October to 24 November. A maximum of 20 points can be awarded for the calculations, and a minimum of 12 points is required to pass the course.

    In the tutoring sessions, you can get help with your calculation tasks from the course assistants. The tutoring sessions will take place at Maarintie 8, and more information will be published by the opening of the first tutoring sessions (10.10.) at the latest.

    Midterm tests and course exam

    The course exam consists of two midterm tests. Students are entitled to attend each session, and the best possible combination of exam marks is calculated. All midterm tests and exam sessions will take place in the classroom on the dates indicated below. The exam is the combination of the mid-term tests 1 and 2; therefore, a student who has previously passed both midterms is not required to take the course exam unless they wish to increase their marks in either or both of the midterm tests.

    The maximum score for each of the two midterms is 25, and the maximum score for the exam is therefore 50. A score of at least 10 points is required for each of the two intermediate tests in order to pass.

    The first midterm (and the first part of the exam) is taken in the exam room, answering questions by hand on paper. The second midterm will be taken on the student's own laptop in the examination room. More detailed instructions on how to take both intermediate tests will be announced later.

    The dates of the upcoming midterms and exams for the course are as follows:

    Midterm 1: Tue 17.10. 13:00-16:00

    Midterm 2: Fri 8.12. 13:00-15:00

    Course exam: Wed 13.12. 13:00-19:00. Midterm 1 (essays) is open during 13:00-16:00 and Midterm 2 (calculations) is open 17:00-19:00.

    Retakes on the course exams and midterms are held as follows:

    Thu 22.2. 13:00-19:00 (Midterm 1 13:00-16:00, Midterm 2 17:00-19:00)

    Thu 18.4. 13:00-19:00 (Midterm 1 13:00-16:00, Midterm 2 17:00-19:00)

    Course material

    The course material consists of lectures, exercises and calculations with related materials. The course does not have a course book, but a TUTAwiki workspace. All course material will be available for free on MyCourses.

    Distribution of course workload

    The scope of the course is 5 credits, corresponding to 133,3 hours of study (1 credit = 26,66h). The calculated working time of the course is distributed as follows between the different modules and periods:

    Course content workload (h) Period I Period II
     Lectures 17 12 5
     Pre-lecture preparations 7 5,5 1,5
     Exercise session 7 5,5 1,5
     Project work 32 20 12
     Calculation exercises 28 0 28
     Independent study 38 21 17
     Midterms 5 3 2
     Total: 134 67 67

    Course evaluation

    The assessment of the course consists of the following components:

     Course module

     Points to pass

     Maximum points

     Group project score



     Calculation exercises score



     Midterms and exam score

    10 +10


     Pre-lecture quizzes



     Course feedback point



    Each module of the course must be passed in order to receive a grade and a mark. 

    The course grade is determined by the total number of points awarded for the course modules as follows:

     Grade  1   2   3   4   5 
     Course evaluation score, minimum   50   60   70   80   90 

    Course contact details

    If you have more specific questions, please contact us:

    Course email: tu-a1300@aalto.fi

    On urgent matters, contact the lead assistant on Telegram @TUassari