
  • The foundations track and key exchange track run in parallel, and you can start following both and then later decide to focus on one of them or choose to focus only on one of them from the beginning. Note that the knowledge builds up successively, and you will not be able to follow a track after missing too much of the material. In the foundations track, however, the lectures are online, and it might be easier to catch up when missing, say, the 1st two weeks. Also, this course assumes knowledge of CS-4340 Cryptography. If you have not taken this course, please contact Kirthi and Chris as soon as possible and we will find a suitable way to support you.

    The foundations track has online lectures and on Mondays 10:15 - 10:45, there is a post-lecture discussion (with Chris) and on Mondays 10:45 - 12:00, there is an exercise session (with Kirthi). Note that MyCourses marks this slot as "lecture", but it is actually a mix of post-lecture discussion and exercise.

    The key exchange track is seminar-style. Each week, we will read a paper and then discuss questions which came up while reading the paper (coming up with questions is part of the assignments). This track requires active participation in the seminar sessions which take place Mondays, 12:15 - 14:00 and, in addition to being an introduction to key exchange, it helps to learn how to read academic articles.  Note that MyCourses marks this slot as "exercise", but it is actually a seminar-style discussion session.

    The schedule below summarizes the schedule of the session, the deadlines for the assignments and, in the case of the foundations track, also the quiz deadlines (always strictly before 10:00 AM) for the lectures. For quiz deadlines, the idea is for you to watch the lecture and answer all the quiz questions contained in it, before attending the exercise session at 10:15 (hence the deadline at 10:00).