37E01000 - Current Topics in Information Systems Science D, Lecture, 25.4.2024-7.6.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 07.06.2024 Etsi kursseja: 37E01000
Osion kuvaus
Welcome to the course!
“In life, nothing is constant but change” – Heraclitus.
The objective of this course is to provide the students with a comprehensive understanding of change management theories and models and connect them to practical approaches and techniques which can be applied at personal, team and organisational level. The course pays specific attention to technology-led change and focuses on the people side of change. The course increases students’ skills in managing self, teams and organisational change initiatives and provides pragmatic methods for planning and conducting change activities. The course is based on the following book: Cameron, Esther and Green, Mike. Making Sense of Change Management, Kogan Page; 5th edition (2020).
Teaching Schedule
* mandatory sessions
Deliverables schedule