Osion kuvaus

    • During the course we will follow a strict schedule that specifies the weeks when specific assignment demos can be given to course assistants. In order to get points from an assignment, you have to give a demo of it. Therefore, the demo is effectively an oral exam for each assignment, where you will show your knowledge and skills, and the course assistant will measure your understanding by asking questions.

      • Receptions

        Course assistants provide you with reception sessions where you can come and ask questions about the assigments or Linux in general. These reception sessions are open for all course students and you are encouraged to come there if you have anything you need help with. Assistants will not do the assignments for you, but rather help you understand the underlying principles and show you the best practices of using the systems and tools provided.

        Receptions are held in A106 on reception weeks on Wednesdays from quarter past 4 pm to 6 pm. During reception hours somewhat real-time chat help to the extent possible is also available over Zulip, and Zoom meetings are also an option. In Zulip please make sure you are posting to the correct stream i.e. the one corresponding to the assignment. Course assistants will answer your questions in the assignments' streams.

      • Demos

        The registration for demonstration sessions will be available here. All demo sessions can be held remotely over Zoom, using the links below. Additionally, you can check the demo slots for a room as a location for live demos.