Topic outline

    • Q: Can I bring paper notes to a demo? Can I use electronic notes and copy paste?
      A: Yes, but you should leave all material you brought to course personnel (make your material accessible to course staff).
      Q: Can I script?
      A: You can. However, it's not often useful, since you still have to explain your scripts to the assistant.
      Q: Can I work with a pair?
      A: You can, while you are training for the demo. However, you have to give the demo without your friend with your own virtual machines. Make your own notes in your own words.
      Q: Can I reuse the work of some other student?
      A: Plagiarism - zero tolerance; you will fail the course. Assistants will ask questions in the demo to test that you have understood what you're doing. Make sure YOU understand WHAT you are doing and WHY things work as they do in the assignments. Plagiarism cases are notified to the department.
      Q: How can I avoid always typing in my password when using SSH or sudo?
      A: You can set up SSH keys for authentication. You can also disable sudo password prompt by editing file /etc/sudoers. This is usually not a good idea, but as there are time constraints for the assignments this might make sense.