
    • Maanantai 8.4.


      1. Aihe (topic): KUTSU / SYNTTÄRIT / TERVETULOA!
      2. Tervetuloa + mihin (Mitä juhlit?)
      3. Paikka MISSÄ
      4. Aika MILLOIN
      5. Lahjat?
      6. Ohjeet / Ohjelma / Muuta
      7. Ilmoittautumiset ___.___. mennessä (respond by)
      8. Yhteystiedot (contact information)

      Verbityypit 3 ja 4 + reversed consonant change
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      There are separate lists for verbs with a consonant change and without it.

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      Very good article about Finnish verb types in English.

    • Kotitehtävät

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      In this slide set you can find the course content collected together to help your reviewing.

      There are also suggestions of pages/exercises in the book that you can use for reviewing, but a lot of the exercises we have done are in MyCourses, so you should go through the lessons in MyCourses as well. You can do exercises again if you want to practise a specific topic, especially the online exercises in MyCourses can be useful, because you can redo them and the system corrects you.

      In this slides set there are also included the links to two online exercise collections, see the last page of the slide set.

      Remember that the test will not only be about grammar, but about understanding and using the language as well, so do read the textbook texts and vocabulary as well!

      The review Kahoot-test will be held on Thursday the 11th.

    • Torstai 11.4.

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      Game PIN: 07108854

    • Verbityypit ja K-P-T
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      Tätä harjoitusta voi suorittaa monta kertaa.
    • i-, si- ja nen -sanat
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      Harjoitusta voi suorittaa monta kertaa.

    • Täytyy, ei tarvitse
    • Sijat (Cases)
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    • Kunskapstest icon
    • Kunskapstest icon