Osion kuvaus

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      Shoot a video of about 2 min.

      You are students who meet for the first time and realize that you all learn/speak Finnish.

      - Write the dialogue for the video together.

      - Choose the place where you meet.

      - Use: 

      • greetings and common phrases
      • questions with question words (kuka, mitä, minkä maalainen, milloin, mihin aikaan etc.)
      • ko/kö-questions (do you study/speak/live/play/ drink coffee/go to the sauna/watch Netflix/do you love etc.)
      • reactions -> you have to react to each other's answers (how about you?, okei, joo, niin, aijaa, mäkin, totta kai etc.)

      Rehearse your speech and upload your video in the forum. Be natural and try to be fluent, do not read anything.

      Try to write a little story (e.g you agree to go to the sauna together, or eat cinnamon roll in a cafe). Be creative and have fun!

      One of you uploads the video. The title is: your names.

       Tässä on yksi video:



      (Edited by Elg Aija - original submission Thursday, 9 November 2023, 8:25 PM)