MUO-E0023 - Thesis Plan Orientation, Essay, 4.9.2023-14.6.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 14.06.2024 Etsi kursseja: MUO-E0023
Osion kuvaus
All assignments are graded with fail-revise-pass-pass with distinction. The course is graded with 0-5 which is calculated based on assignment performance.
TPO (Essay) is graded as follows, based on how well the assignments meet the instructed requirements:
- 1-11 x FAIL = Course grade 0 (irrespective of how assignments are doing otherwise)
- 11-5 x REVISE = Course grade 1 (irrespective of how assignments are doing otherwise)
- 4-1 x REVISE = Course grade 2 (irrespective of how assignments are doing otherwise)
- 0-3 x PASS WITH DISTINCTION = Course grade 3 (provided there're no grounds for lower grade)
- 4-6 x PASS WITH DISTINCTION = Course grade 4 (provided there're no grounds for lower grade)
- 7-11 x PASS WITH DISTINCTION = Course grade 5 (provided there're no grounds for lower grade)
Fail: the submission is missing or it has very little to do with the instructions.Revise: the submission does not sufficiently meet the requirements so the student is asked to revise the submission by July 31 2024Pass: the submission meets the requirements well enough.Pass with distinction: the submission exceeds expectations by, for example, being really well structured, visualised and/or beneficial to the student's individual thesis process. - 1-11 x FAIL = Course grade 0 (irrespective of how assignments are doing otherwise)