Osion kuvaus

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Datasci gr (SISU)
      Turnitin Tehtävä 2 icon
      Course assignment: Final version of your funding proposal Turnitin Tehtävä 2

      After the teacher has given you her feedback on the second version of your funding proposal, (via the deposit box in Week 4), re-write it to the best of your ability and deposit the final version here. Deadline: Tuesday November 28th, at 23:59 at the very latest. 

      Texts submitted for grading must maintain academic integrity, be your own original writing with your own, unique style, and closely follow the assignment instructions. Turnitin originality check is in use. All sources must be clearly indicated to avoid plagiarism - use both in-text references and include a list of references. Moreover, please note that you are not allowed to use AI to generate text for this writing assignment. The text you submit has to be written by you. Questionable originality will result in 0pts for the paper.

      Proofreading is a good idea and encouraged also for this assignment. However, if you want to use AI tools to proofread your text then beware - TurnitIn may flag even such use as having questionable originality. AI proofreading tools which rewrite your whole text (for example, change the text from informal to formal style for you) are not allowed. The use of proofreading tools which check spelling and/or grammar and/or terminology but do not rewrite your whole text for you is acceptable, but only IF all of the following apply: 1) you clearly and honestly indicate which AI tool you used for proofreading; 2) you clearly and honestly indicate which parts of the text were proofread with said AI tool; and 3) you add a short paragraph to the end of your paper where you motivate and explain why you used said AI tool for proofreading spelling and/or grammar and/or terminology. This would not be included in the word count of your paper.

      This submission box does not allow late submissions, but you can resubmit your text before the deadline if you see that Turnitin notices something "fishy" about your submission. If this should happen, resubmit well in advance of the due date. The check may take up to 24 hrs, and whatever is deposited here when the due date passes will be saved as your submission.

      Texts deposited here will be graded (maximum 30pts; see the grading rubric posted in course completion and grading) and saved to the repository database.