
  • The objectives for the session are the following:

    • Setting the scene: learning objectives, structure, deliverables
    • Discussing the role of consultants as change agents
    • Basics of client- centric consulting
    • Core skills for consulting: problem solving

    Readings: Laffitte, H. (May 17, 2022) ‘History of Consulting: The 8 important stages that shaped the industry’ https://consultingquest.com/insights/8-stages-history-of-consulting/

    The session will be held in room Y346 at Undergradute Center, Otakaari 1

    • Kunskapstest icon

      For this assignment we ask you to answer the following questions:

      -       How many times you spoke up and what you said during today’s session (20% of course grade)

      -       Your key learning(s) from the session reading, except Session 5, which has no reading (10% of course grade)

      -       Your key learning(s) from today’s session (20% of course grade)

      Due: 23.00 the next day after each session.