Topic outline

  • In this page, you see the time schedule for the seminar (subject to minor adjustments as the course proceeds, as number of classroom presentation meetings will be depending on the number of students):

    Attendance is mandatory in all meetings with student presentations.

    13.5. First classroom meeting: seminar practices and general guidance.
    Classroom: U006 (Ekonominaukio 1)

    20.5. Second classroom meeting: Topic choice clinic.
    Classroom: U006 (Ekonominaukio 1), 14:15-16:00

    21.5. Submit your preliminary topic by 23:59 (return box is found under "General")

    10.6. Submit your research plan by 23:59 (return box is found under "Research plan presentation")

    11.6 Research plan presentations Mandatory Attendance
    Presentation schedule will be uploaded under "Research plan presentation"
    Submit slides on mycourses before the presentation.
    Time: 13:15-15:00
    Classrooms: U006 (Mitri), V001 (Pauli), V002 (Marko)

    16.8. Submitting final drafts

    20.8. Final draft presentations (Mandatory Attendance, Mitri's and Pauli's Group)
    Time: 13:15-17:00
    Classrooms (Väre): Q201 (Mitri), Q202 (Pauli) 

    21.8. Final draft presentations (Mandatory Attendance, Marko's Group)
    Time: 13:15-17:00
    Classrooms: Q203 (Väre)

    23.8. Submitting written comments

    30.9. Submit your thesis

    16.9.-30.9. Write your maturity test in Exam