Topic outline

  • Welcome to the course!

    Course name:

    PHYS-E0410 Quantum Mechanics 2  D   (the D is a course code! the course does not concern "2D Quantum Mechanics"!)

           Periods I and II, 3.9.2024 - 28.11.2024
    Tuesdays:  9:15 to 12:00 (Kide building, Sklodowska-Curie)
    Thursdays: 12:15 to 14:00 (Kide building, Meitner or Nanotalo, 228)

    Note: To avoid long lectures on Tuesday mornings, we will try:
    Tuesday: 1h30 lecture +  1h15 exercises   (9:15-10:45, 10:45-12:00)
    Thursday: 1h lecture + 45 min exercises   (12:15-13:15, 13:15-14:00)

    Depending on the practicality of this system, we will retain it throughout the course or not.

    More details in the Schedule section.

    Basic Quantum Mechanics course such as: PHYS-C0210 or PHYS-C0252. The following topics will assumed to have been studied:
    • Postulates of QM, Dirac notation
    • Hilbert spaces, observables, operators, wavefunctions
    • Basic linear algebra, commutators,
    • Uncertainty principle, x and p operators
    • Spin 1/2, Stern-Gerlach experiment
    • Quantum harmonic oscillator
    • (Time-independent) perturbation theory
    • Square wells and potential steps

    In addition, as we will study relativistic Quantum Mechanics, we will need some notions of special relativity. A reminder of necessary concepts is provided.

    Subsequent courses:

    The course provides the necessary knowledge for further courses involving quantum mechanics, e.g. PHYS-E0420 Many-body Quantum Mechanics and PHYS-E0551 Low Temperature Physics.

    Intended learning outcomes:

    After the course, a student can:

    • Solve quantum mechanical problems using adapted mathematical tools
    • Evaluate the time-evolution of a quantum system 
    • Evaluate the probabilities of specific measurement outcomes
    • Justify the electronic structure of basic atoms
    • Analyse composite quantum systems and entanglement
    • Describe the physical phenomena used to build quantum gates
    • Account for decoherence processes in basic systems
    • Predict the relativistic quantum behaviour of some particles

    Course structure and workload:

    The course consists of

    • Lectures = 2h45 x 12 = 33h
    • Exercise classes = 1h45 x 12 = 21h
    • Finish 3 assignments at home = 12h x 3 = 36h
    • Reviewing teaching material for 10 lectures 10x4h = 40h
    • Exam = 3h
    Total = 133 h


    The final grade (1-5) is based on graded assignments (3 assignments, in total 40% of final grade) and a written exam (60% of final grade).


    5 ECTS