MLI26C707 - Environmental Economics, Lecture, 26.6.2023-14.7.2023
This course space end date is set to 14.07.2023 Search Courses: MLI26C707
2000-word paper and presentation details and assignment box
The details and due dates for the 2000-word paper assignment are found in the attached document. You will also find an assignment box where you will submit your work. Submit your papers in the box by the due date. Please submit them as PDF documents. I need only one submission per student team. Make sure both names are in the filename and on the title page. Immediately following this assignment you will find a discussion forum in which to submit the names of your student team members and choice of novel.
Submit your presentation slides the night before the presentation so I can load all presentations into a single powerpoint to reduce logistical problems between presentations. When you submit, state your preferences for early, middle, or late presentation slot. Preferences will be honored in the order of submission.
- 23 June 2023, 6:55 AM