MEC-E1003 - Machine Design Project, Lecture, 30.8.2023-1.12.2023
This course space end date is set to 01.12.2023 Search Courses: MEC-E1003
Final report
Completion requirements
Make a submission
Opened: Wednesday, 1 November 2023, 12:00 AM
Due: Friday, 15 December 2023, 4:00 PM
Submit the final report here. It should provide evidence that the team has met the learning goals of the course (by showing what you did in the course), keeping in mind the assessment criteria:
- Explaining the concept and requirements
- Documenting how CAE tools were used (3D CAD, MBS, FEM, optimization)
- Instructions for manufacturing (or an account of how it was done), including design drawings and an assembly plan
- Discussing materials selection and budget
- Quality management and measurement plan
- Explaining what functionality was tested during prototyping, and if relevant how the design was iterated in response to the results of those tests
- Structure, language, graphics, and layout of the report and appendices
- Evaluating the outcome of the project (i.e., how ready the design and the prototype are, what is good about them and what could be improved in further iterations)
- Reflection (about what you learned from the course and about how well you worked together as a team, about surprises and about experiences compared with expectations, also including how constructively you present any acknowledgements, complaints, or suggestions for improvements