TU-E4100 - Startup Experience D, Lecture, 7.9.2022-9.12.2022
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Individual Wellbeing Reflection 3
Start by listening to this audio (mindfulness-based exercise) and ground yourself to this moment, so you can observe your body, emotions, thoughts and surroundings (7 minutes):
When facing difficulties (in the start-up world or in general), our mind is a master of creating negative thoughts and interpretations that we tend to believe. Those thoughts can include negative ideas about ourselves, the others or the world around us (“I am not good enough”, “My ideas suck”, “My team members don’t like me”, or “Everyone else already knows what to do”). If we take our thoughts too seriously, they can have a negative impact on our feelings and actions. However, we can learn to have some distance from them by realizing that they are just thoughts – not reality itself.
Learn more about this theme by watching this video (4 min):
You can practice finding distance to your thoughts with these exercises (choose one or both):
Stage-metaphor (mindfulness audio, 6 min)
Sushi Train Metaphor (video, 2 min)
Question for reflecting on your own:
What kind of difficult emotions, thoughts and other notions have you noticed during this course yourself? Take a moment (about 2-5 minutes) to write them down. If naming them feels difficult, you can also draw pictures or use some images that describe them better.