ARTX-C1007 - Design Impact III, Lecture, 8.1.2024-7.6.2024
This course space end date is set to 07.06.2024 Search Courses: ARTX-C1007
Assignment 3: Production Plan Presentation
Completion requirements
Due: Friday, 26 April 2024, 8:00 AM
Present your production plan of 'object(s)' for the joint final event of Design Impact courses on 7 June.
Read the following instruction carefully!
- The production plan is for your object(s), rather than your video / professional narrative.
- The object(s) should be something that support your professional narrative (video). The video will be made based on your midterm posters. So ideally, you choose one of the examples that you included in Poster 2.
- However, it can be anything during bachelor's studies as you may refine/revise your narrative based on the feedback.
- For instance, it can be your portfolio to complement your video, a design production based on your thesis, a revision of your study project, etc. etc.
- Find a way to mention/show the object(s) in your video. Audiences shall be able to connect between the video (final deliverable) and your object(s).
WHEN: Friday, 26 April, 09:15-12:30
WHERE: M237, Otakaari 1 / (only for those who inform Namkyu in-advance)
The format is Pecha Kucha! (FYI: LINK)
- Each one of you can have 10 slides max.
- Each slide lasts 20 seconds for you to talk while the Slide Show runs automatically.
- 7-8 students will be grouped as one. No break between students within group.
- Each group will have about 24-27 minutes.
- There will be no feedback session per student.
- However, after one pecha kucha group, a general feedback session will be followed for 20 mins.
- Presentations of the 3 pecha kucha groups will end before lunch (about 12:30). No afternoon session.
- During each pecha kucha, everyone can leave comments via Presemo (
- Switching presentation order within/between group is NOT allowed after 1 April (see the groups below). Contact Namkyu ASAP if you have a reason to change the order/group. Absent students will have a substitute assignment.
For your slides, include:
- What you want to produce as exhibition object(s): material (product, poster, etc.) / immaterial (app, service, etc.)
- How the object(s) is linked to your professional narrative.
- How you are going to produce (specific tools, workshops, facilities, techniques, etc.)
- What equipment is needed (from Väre Takeout or others). Remember Väre Takeout is moving; thus closing early. Make sure you reserve/get what you need!
- Budget estimate (if relevant)
- Work timetable (from this presentation until the Design Impact final joint event on Friday, 7 June)
- Sketch / rendering / mock-up / simulation to visualize the object(s)
Pecha kucha groups (alphabetical order of the last name)
- Group 1 (8): Elisabeth Arno, Hitomi Osaka, Katarina Blind, Teo Borzecka, Jessica Eboreime, Margo Gainska, Mathilda Hahn, Natasa Hodosi
- Group 2 (8): Heini Hoskari, Owen Iveson, Harim Kwon, Michelle Lauriste, Marta Ligaj, Lilo Molin, Yuzu Nakamura, Tiina Otala
- Group 3 (7): Wen Ouyang, Satu Paavonsalo, Soyoung Park, Marek Sevcik, Sasha Tikachev, Inga Turska, Zoe Valeeva
- For object(s) to work on DI3's Period V and for the final event, they will be exhibited alongside the 3 movable big screens.
- Remember the main deliverable of the course is the video that conveys your professional narrative. The object(s) shall function to complement / support your narrative.
- Plan realistically considering your workload (e.g. thesis).
- The exhibition is prepared by a group of students in Design Impact II.
- DI3 student coordinator for this year is Michelle Lauriste. Michelle will coordinate between DI2 and DI3, and between DI3 students and teachers.
- Arrangement of relevant equipment for exhibiting object(s), such as renting iPad/mobile device/etc. through Takeout, is on corresponding student (thus, consider this in the production plan).
- Not presenting the agreed object(s) will impact on the grading of the course. So choose carefully.
- Individual student may claim the support for materials to produce the object(s). Max 50 euros per student. After this presentation, get approval of Namkyu in advance to make purchases, including internal expenses (e.g. PrintLab). More instructions to be followed (how to get reimbursed).